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Black Culture is Alive and Well in Switzerland. Here’s Where You Can Find It

Written by on April 6, 2024

Switzerland may be known for its larger-than-life Alps, cheeses and chocolate, but what many don’t know is that the European country is also home to a large Black population. With that comes this beautiful infusion of culture and unique experiences. 

Waterfront at Le Chalet du Mont Pelerin
Waterfront at Le Chalet du Mont Pelerin. Image: courtesy Waterfront at Le Chalet du Mont Pelerin.

Whether they’ve moved to Switzerland from French-speaking African nations like Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) or the Democratic Republic of Congo in search of a better life, or have left the US to escape the hustle that comes with the “American Dream,” Switzerland’s Black residents are planting roots while adding their own cultural flare to the mix.

Pop icon Tina Tuner gave up her American citizenship to become a Swiss citizen in 2013—mostly for love but also for the peace she felt there. In a 2019 interview with Gayle King, Turner said, “When I sit at Lake Zurich in the house I have, I am so serene. I have no problems.” The country was also where she ultimately passed away in 2023. 

I recently visited Switzerland to get a better glimpse of its growing Black culture. From a Spellman grad and art curator making space for artists of color to be heard through her local gallery to a Kenyan chef cooking authentic flavors from the mother continent, here’s how you can uncover Switzerland’s Black culture when you visit. 

Zanzibar Lounge Bar & African Cuisine

Zanzibar owner Antony Omobdi. Image: courtesy of Zanzibar Lounge and African Cuisine.

On my first night in Geneva, I took a short stroll to Zanzibar Lounge Bar & African Cuisine. Located in the city center, chef and owner Antony Omondi has curated a menu that pays homage to his Kenyan roots and other East African cuisines. While everything on the menu is delicious, standouts were the lamb chops, which he marinates and vacuum seals in a special seasoning overnight and then grills on a flattop, as well as the jumbo prawns that are cooked in olive oil and garlic and a few other ingredients that the chef didn’t want to share.


2023 Afrodysseé runway show. Courtesy of Afrodysseé
2023 Afrodysseé Runway Show. Image: courtesy of Afrodysseé.

The African fashion scene is rapidly growing—and becoming widely respected—largely due to an annual multiday runway show experience. Afrodyssèe will host its sixth installation from May 31 to June 2, 2024, in Geneva. Founder Vincent Jacquement takes pride in hand-selecting the crème de la crème of fashion designers directly from the continent. They then travel to Switzerland to present their new collections to fashion enthusiasts. There are also panels and talks that address the current issues faced within the African fashion industry. 

Wine tasting with sommelier Jérôme Aké Béda

Jerome courtesy of LE Chalet du Mont Pèleri
Jérôme Aké Béda. Image: courtesy of LE Chalet du Mont Pèleri.

From the Ivory Coast, Jérôme Aké Béda is one of Switzerland’s top sommeliers, literally. Named “Best Sommelier” in the country in the past, he recently moved to Le Chalet du Mont-Perelin Sárl just outside of Geneva in March, where he oversees the restaurant’s extensive wine list. Although Swiss wines aren’t as internationally known as those from Napa Valley, South Africa or France, Béda has such a passion for what he does that you will definitely want to find a way to get a few exclusive bottles back home with you. If you can do a tasting with him, add a bottle of Chenin Blanc to the mix and thank me later.

International Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent

Omar Diop artwork at International Museum of the Red Cross. Image: courtesy of International Museum of the Red Cross.
Omar Diop’s artwork at the International Museum of the Red Cross. Image: DeAnna Taylor.

Sometimes you have to challenge people’s perceptions and biases for them to truly understand different cultures. That’s what Pascal Hufschmid does as the director of this insightful museum. Also in Geneva, the International Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent features eye-opening interactive exhibitions that address global issues affecting all cultures. 

Currently, you can catch a stunning photo installation that tapped artists from around the globe who, through their lens, tell unique stories of their homelands. Look for Senegalese photographer Omar Diop’s work, which is currently on display. You’ll also want to spend time with a heart-wrenching exhibit that gives insight into the effects of Rwanda’s genocide that left thousands of orphaned children who were later reunited with long-lost family members.

Kendra Jayne Patrick Gallery

Kendra Jayne Patrick. Image Elliott Jerome Brown Jr.
Kendra Jayne Patrick. Image: Elliott Jerome Brown Jr.

A proud Spellman grad, Kendra Patrick gave up a career path toward becoming a lawyer to advocate for another community—overlooked artists of color. Based in Bern, Switzerland, Patrick now runs a home gallery and splits time between NYC where she curates shows and larger exhibits for her clients. You can schedule times to visit her Swiss-based gallery, and she constantly rotates the featured artists in residence.

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